Tuesday, December 18, 2007

maybe all this shit has been worth it over the past four years. four years of drudgerous expenditures of time and energy at a place that could not care less about me than i do it. four fucking years of the same tired questions, followed closely by the same exhausted answers. now that the time is nigh and the end is in sight, maybe all the genuine anthropological curiosity that i showed towards those indigenous frequenters has finally paid off.
it seems that my place of employment is "moving" to a location not so convenient to its customers, nor its employees, but really...what do they matter when considering the all mighty dollar. so ive been weighing heavily this ultimate decision asked best by joe strummer and the clash so many years ago- do i stay or do i go? on one hand weve got job security. a rather large pay wage in consideration of the actual work that i do. and instant comfort in the fact that in fact i understand the job and its inner workings better than most in that specified field. on the other hand...
we have a commute that has gone from single digit minutes to an unspecified amount of time. most likely in the half hour range. a long standing urge to want to do something different. and by that i mean anything with a life that has been for far too long sedentary and complacent. my place of employment has basically become a place i go to loathe, even the products that people drive for days to come and purchase make me physically ill upon eye view. every day i go there for work i feel like im coming down with a cold. that cant be good can it?
so today as i stood and explained for the three thousandth time in the past week why we were "moving" and why it was an inevitability and not just a slap in the face of the most financially curmudgeonly neighborhood in existence, a woman approached me with an offer for employment. a job that would most certainly nuzzle to the dreams in my head, a job at houghton mifflin. as in houghton mifflin the publishing company, not dunder mifflin the fictional company on the NBC show the office.
and its this opportunity that makes all the bullshit worth it. just knowing that there are some people in the community that see us blue collar shmoes as a viable option for more than just reaching far away products that escape their pudgy little grasps. for knowing that there is another world out there, and for knowing that it isnt what you do for a job that defines you as who you are. its more who you want to BE that defines the place where you currently are. an eye on the future is an intelligent asset, an eye on the past and on the here and now can easily become stagnant and stigmatic. so it is with a forward peering glaze that i now view this situation of timely fortune. and its with these eyes that i make a move forward in this world of who you knows and right places at the right times.

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