Monday, December 17, 2007

treachery thy name is dog walking
skimming about on frozen sheets of glass
were we
all in the name of good health
and proper care
blustering all the while
with wind chills nibbling through the protective layers
of glove
and skin
all in the name of proper positioning
and zen squatting
searching for that perfect spot
in the middle of Hoth
to prepare your haunches
for imminent daily departures
as a Taunton raced by us
seeking shelter from this blast of cold gust
that nearly knocked me from my chucks
and into the shit pile you so carefully placed
on the top of that drift.
and all i can think is
"the first transport is away!"
and i am glad for it
as we make our trek back to the Dagobah swamp
that holds our warm and inviting little hovel.

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